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Version: 0.15

What's new in 0.15

Eventuous v0.15 includes a number of changes and bug fixes, where some of the previous version public APIs are deprecated. Where possible, we made those APIs obsolete and embedded polyfills to make them work, but some APIs are gone for good as it wasn't possible to translate the old API to the new one. Those changes are listed below.

Breaking changes

.NET SDK targets

Eventuous 0.15 adds support for .NET 8 and removes support for .NET 7. Currently supported SDKs are .NET 6 and .NET 8.


  • Eventuous.AspNetCore is renamed to Eventuous.Extensions.DependencyInjection.
  • Eventuous.AspNetCore.Web is renamed to Eventuous.Extensions.AspNetCore.

Domain abstractions

  • Aggregate base type without state is removed. The only remaining abstraction is Aggregate<TState>. Removal of non-generic Aggregate base class triggered a chain of changes for command services and registrations.
  • Aggregate factory extensions require specifying TState now. So, use AddAggregate<T, TState> instead of AddAggregate<T>.


  • Aggregate store is no longer used by command services. Its interface, implementation, and registration extensions are marked obsolete. You can still use it outside command services but the whole thing might be removed in the future.
  • IEventStore got extensions to work with aggregates, which allowed to avoid using IAggregateStore.
  • IEventWriter.AppendEvents now needs a collection of NewStreamEvents instead of StreamEvent as the StreamEvent struct has properties that are irrelevant for new events (position, content type, etc).

Command services

  • Non-generic ICommandService interface is removed.
  • IStateCommandService<TState> is replaced by ICommandService<TState>. Both aggregate-based and functional command services implement that interface.
  • Command services no longer use IAggregateStore, so it doesn't need to be registered in the DI container. Replace AddAggregateStore by AddEventStore.
  • Non-generic Result, OkResult and ErrorResult types are removed. Only generic Result<TState> is supported. Read more here.
  • Service registration extension replaced by AddCommandService<TService, TState>:
    • AddCommandService<TService, TAggregate>
    • AddCommandService<TService, TAggtegate, TId>
    • AddFunctionalService<TState>

HTTP API extensions

  • Controller base class requires TState generic argument instead of TAggregate, so the new definition is CommandHttpApiBase<TState>. Therefore, it can be used with both aggregate-based and functional command services. It takes ICommandService<TState> as a dependency.
  • CommandHttpApiBaseFunc base class is removed because it's no longer required. Use CommandHttpApiBase<TState> instead.
  • Controller methods need to return ActionResult<Result<TState>.Ok>.
  • MessageMap optional dependency for controllers is replaced by CommandMap<HttpContext>, so it's now possible to populate additional command properties from the HTTP context.
  • AggregateCommands<TAggregate> attribute is gone, use HttpCommands<TState> instead. It supports both aggregate-based and functional services.
  • HttpCommand<TAggregate> attribute is gone, use HttpCommand<TState> instead. It supports both aggregate-based and functional services.
  • MapAggregateCommands<TAggregate> is replaced with MapCommands<TState>.
  • MapDiscoveredCommands<TAggregate> is replaced with MapDiscoveredCommands<TState>.
  • MapCommand<TAggregate, TCommand> is replaced by MapCommand<TState, TCommand>.
  • MapCommand<TAggregate, TCommand, TResult> is gone as custom results aren't supported in command mapping. Use MapCommand<TState, TCommand> and Result<TState> instead.
  • The same applies to command mappings with external-internal command conversion. Aggregate constraint is replaced by state type constraint, and a custom result type is no longer supported in favour of Result<TState>.

Current APIs for working with HTTP is documented here.


Subscriptions are now being registered in the DI container using keyed dependencies. It requires to use Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection version 8 and higher. If you use ASP.NET Core DI container in combination with another container like Autofac, make sure you use the version that supports keyed registrations in ASP.NET Core services collection.

Subscriptions also got IEventSerializer (all of them) and IMetadataSerializer (EventStoreDB, Postgres and SQL Server) as dependencies, and subscription option properties holding those are removed. The reason is that serializers can now play nicely with dependency injection, which is particularly relevant to event serializers as they depend on TypeMapper. It is now easier to use separated type maps. One case for that is Eventuous tests where the global type map created issues with conflicting type registrations.


  • IEventProducer was already marked obsolete, and it's now gone. the IProducer interface is 100% compatible, so you can need to rename the usages.
  • Producers without options are no longer supported.


  • Postgres store options now include connection string, schema name and initialize properties.
  • Postgres store now uses NpgsqlDataSource.
  • Calling AddEventuousPostgres registers NpgsqlDataSource in the container using the provided options.
  • Loading PostgresStoreOptions from the configuration is now supported.
  • Postgres subscriptions use NpgsqlDataSource as well, but registering a subscription doesn't add the data source as subscription options don't have the connection string. You can either register the data source manually using Npgsql own extensions, or use AddEventuousPostgres.

SQL Server

  • SQL Server store options now include connection string, schema name and initialize properties.
  • Calling AddEventuousSqlServer registers the connection factory, which then is used by the store.
  • SQL Server subscription options class also has the connection string property, so if your service only implements subscriptions, you don't need to call AddEventuousSqlServer. However, subscriptions don't initialize the schema.

New things

There are many small improvements in 0.15, here you can find the list of most important improvements.


As it becomes clear from breaking changes, Eventuous doesn't distinct aggregate-based and functional services when services are being used in public APIs. Both service flavours now implement a single interface ICommandService<TState>, which greatly simplified all downstream APIs like command-handling controllers and minimal API command handlers. You can now decide to move from one flavour to another and only reimplement the service itself without changing the rest of the application.

Command services how can resolve the store based on command payload. It can be useful, for example, in multitenant environments where the command contains information about the tenant, so you can resolve a different store for each tenant for data isolation.


Using keyed dependencies for registering subscription allows using the same event handler for multiple subscriptions. It is also supported in gateways. Previously, multiple gateways would reuse the same transformation function or class, even if you explicitly provide different implementations for different gateways. Not every gateway registration is able to distinct transformations between them, so use one of those:

AddGateway<TSubscription, TSubscriptionOptions, TProducer, TProduceOptions, TTransform>()
AddGateway<TSubscription, TSubscriptionOptions, TProducer, TProduceOptions>(
string subscriptionId,
RouteAndTransform<TProduceOptions> routeAndTransform

Relational databases

Both Postgres and SQL Server libraries now use the same base implementation. It's now possible to add support for other relational databases using the same abstraction, if someone is willing to experiment or contribute.

Both Postgres and SQL Server libraries got simple projector implementations as well as checkpoint stores.

TODO: Add docs links

Postgres library supports Postgres 7+ with the latest version of Npgsql and uses NpgsqlDataSource.

All RDBMS-based subscriptions use frequent polling with backpressure. It means that when the polling query doesn't return new events, the subscription will start increasing the polling interval. It allows decreasing the number of empty queries to the database when the system is not under load.

Check the relevant RDBMS-based implementation documentation for more details.

Subscriptions now provide lag metrics and health checks.

Subscriptions now handle transient errors and support retries. Each RDBMS-based implementation has its own logic for that.


MongoDB projections now support bulk operations.


Experimental support for Redis event store and subscriptions added as a separate package.


A simple testing library Eventuous.Testing now allows creating test specs for aggregates. Eventuous uses it internally in tests.